Category: Tai Chi

  • The benefits of Tai Chi

    The benefits of Tai Chi

    Flexibility All movements are executed in relaxation, without force but alive. They alternate between stretching the whole body and releasing to bring everything back to its center. We inhale on the stretch and exhale on the release and this leads to muscle relaxation. Stress By associating abdominal breathing with movements, the diaphragm is solicited and…

  • The difference between Tai Chi and Qi Gong

    The difference between Tai Chi and Qi Gong

    Students often ask me what is the difference between Tai Chi and Qi Gong. In the beginning my answer was Qi Gong is purely medicinal and TaiChi is an internal martial art. To this the reaction was oftentimes: Oh, then I prefer Qi Gong. The answer was very simple but missed certain points and I…